Memorable Gerald McCarthy the 1966 Cork hurling Captain. Brought the All Ireland Senior and U21 trophies to his place of employment McCarthy's Stonecutters Memorabilia.
About Gerald McCarthy Memorials.
Based on the Tramore Road on the Southside of Cork, we specialize in manufacturing the finest quality headstones and monuments in Ireland.
We have a long history of tradition and provide quality memorials and headstones. As well as inscriptions inscribed by hand and emblems of every choice.
As well as specializing in headstones, we offer a full cleaning and restoration service. We also offer extra inscriptions, cut by hand or sandblasted, and we are one of only a few companies left who can offer this service in Cork City.
Gerald McCarthy Memorials also supply photo plaques, statues, and (kerbing) curbing. All our work is guaranteed and executed to the highest professional standards.
If you have seen a memorial design that is not shown on our website, or you are looking for a bespoke and unique headstone design, no matter how elaborate, please contact us and we will be more than happy to discuss your requirements.